About the region
Irkutsk Region is one of the leading regions in Siberian Federal District on major macroeconomic indicators: gross regional product, profitability of enterprises, tax return, investments in fixed assets.
Date of formation
September 26, 1937
Time zone
+5 Moscow time
Population as of 01.01.2022
2357.1 thousand people
744.8 thousand square kilometers
Distance from Irkutsk to Moscow
5042 km
Population density
3 people per sq. km
Sharply continental. Average temperatures of the cold period of the year vary from –5 to –40°C, and warm from 10 to 35°C. The average precipitation is about 450 mm per year.
National composition
of the population
2,357.1 thousand people of different
nationalities live on the territory
of the Irkutsk region

Region specialization areas
In the Irkutsk region, the cluster approach is implemented on the basis of priority industries
111 organizations -
Mechanical engineering
76 organizations -
73 organizations -
Construction materials and technologies
43 organizations -
Tourist and recreational
74 organizations -
Oil and gas chemical
31 organizations
Gross regional product(GRP)
Irkutsk region is of great economic importance, the main branches of specialization of the region are forestry, woodworking, pulp and paper, mining, mechanical engineering, etc.
2nd place
By gross regional product
2nd place
On the provision of the population with tax and non-tax revenues of the consolidated budget

Key budget indicators for 2022 (million rubles)